"If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry."
Luke 3:11
Luke 3:11
UNIFORMSUniforms are supplied to K-12th grade students in the Petal School District. Uniforms are distributed throughout the school year and at our Annual Family Health and Resource Fair.
FOOD BACKPACKSFood backpacks are packed weekly with a variety of food items and sent home each weekend with K-2nd grade students in the Petal School District who otherwise would not have food to eat on the weekend.
New Food options!
Petal First Bridge was awarded a grant from Centerpoint Energy in 2022 to provide healthier food options! We have added shelf stable milk, water, fresh fruit and cereal to our food backpacks!
Coming soon
In the future, First Bridge has hopes to improve existing services and provide additional services. Below are services that are part of the vision and future of First Bridge.
medical and Dental clinicsPart of our vision is to offer free medical and dental care services to children, families, and other Petal residents.
Social work ServicesPart of our vision is to expand our services to include counseling, financial guidance, and case management.